In addition to the normal units, I'm making an effort to re-create all the Blood Angel specific characters in Charnel Guard form, so far I've done Dante, Astorath, Gabriel Seth, and Tycho the Lost(unpainted). Sanguinor and Mephiston are next.
Supposedly the text below comes from GW staff, and I have taken things from here and ran with them. I've expanded on their lore in my head, and have sort of my own idea on how they look/operate.
"As to additional background notes, in addition to those already found in the various FW, FFG and GW books, the Charnel Guard incorporate a mortuary cult into the chapter creed. They preserve the bones of their fallen in extensive crypts as part of their battle barges (which act as their base of operations as they are a fleet based chapter) and have been knwon to decorate their armour and wargear with the bones of fallen heroes and worthy enemies. Macabre reliquaries are a common armorial feature and can be often found incorporated into vehicles and chapter redoubts. The chapter is what Alan used to refer to as of 'chimeric' origin, in that its geneseed is an admixture of several different strains - an attempt by the High Lords of Terra to mitigate the flaws of pure Blood Angels geneseed (the black rage and such). This fact is not widely known and considered secret, nor has it been entirely successful as it replaces several of the known blood angel flaws with the Charnel Guards tendency towards long periods of torpor and an over active sus-an membrane and retaining the enhanced omophagaea common to Blood Angel successors. The other parts of the mix used to create the Charnel Guard is not known, but rumoured to not have been taken from established loyalist legion stocks. Organisationally , the Charnel Guard are more codex based than other Blood Angel successors and maintain a large number of armoured vehicles and dreadnoughts, many of ancient and rare patterns, their dreadnoughts are highly regarded as living ancients and mobile reliquaries by their battle brothers. Their operational preferences are for the use of overwhelming force, assaults with no regard for restraint and permissive of massive collateral damage and civilian casualties. They often make use of psychological warfare and torture in a manner reminiscent of the pre-heresy Night Lords legion, though without the malice that often marked the sons of Nostramo. ”
An excerpt from Echoes of Eternity:
"Sire!' one of his sons calls, in the flood of retreating warriors. It is the Bringer of Sorrow, the one who exiled himself to Terra in shame, fighting at the side of the Flesh Tearer. Two sons that failed him in better times, making him proud now all is almost lost. He loves them as he loves all his Legion; and though he would never give it voice, his heart always goes out most to the dissappointments, the ones that struggle to reach the perfection the others take for granted."
The Charnel Guard's Dante.
-Wargame Exclusive Kayvann Shrike
-Sword, Arms, Shoulders all printed
-Head is from Kromlech
Captain Paracelius
First Captain of the Charnel Guard. Another of a few named CG characters, he was at the meeting before the battle in Devastation of Baal. Known as the "giver of bones".
-Jump Captain model
-Everything else is printed, the weapon is from Darktide
Arch-Seer of the Charnel Guard
Also known as Ossivactus
Mephiston proxy. Had the idea for this guy for a long time, finally figured out how to do it. Used ChatGPT to generate some images, and that gave me the push to make it happen. Repurposed the body from my old Blood Angels smash captain. Didn't realize till just now that I didn't paint the base, so I guess it's a WIP.
-Wargames Exclusive jump captain body
-Printed wings, arcs, sword
-Modeled sword in Solidworks, based on the Soul Reaver
-Green stuff sculpted hair
-Kromlech head
Librarian Melvil
Jump Librarian. Named after the most famous librarian ever. Really dig this model, and super fun to paint. Bit of OSL, doesn't look so great with my current photo setup but whatever, looks cool in person.
-Phobos Librarian
-Printed Jump Pack
Jump Sanguinary Priest. Awesome model, so fun to paint. Bit of gore.
-Primaris Chaplain
-Printed Jump Pack and other bits
One of only a few known Charnel Guard. He was part of a short story in White Dwarf 454 "Tradition's Last Breath" by Aaron Dembski Bowden. He is a representative of the chapter at a meeting of a "triarchy". Good read. Anyway he is my Gabriel Seth. This is my first model using a printed part that I modeled 100%. (his eviscerator). This model taught me how easy it is to chip and battle-damage light colors.
-Phobos LT(I think)
-Printed head, shoulders, arms, pack, banner
-Still haven't decided what to write on his flag, so it's just black for now
-He fights with his trusted Assault Intercessors(formerly Assault Marines), The Knights Mordiphos.
Terminator Captain
-terminator Captain from Leviathan Box
-Terminator Librarian's axe
-Wargames Exclusive head
Tycho the Lost proxy.
-Phobos Leftennant from Leviathan Box
-Various printed bits
Chosen Blades
Some of my favorite GW models so far. The inner circle companions, thought they would make some neat Bladeguard Vets. One of my proudest paintjobs yet as well. Modeled the swords in Solidworks.
-Inner Circle Companions
-Printed heads, Shoulders, Packs, Swords
The Charnel Guard's Sanguinary Guard. I actually bought 2 kits of Inceptors before I realized how lame and same the the poses are. Found these on the purple site and they are much more dynamic poses, and allowed for more customization.
-100% printed
-From MartaPunk
-I modeled the swords in solidworks
Bone Soup
Eradicator Squad. Lots of fun to paint these fellas.
-Printed heads
Knights Mordiphos
Trusted of Mordath, the Knights Mordiphos are a small force of Assault intercessors, armed with vicious chainblades.
These guys were originally Assault Marines, but with 10th deleting that unit, I decided to play them as Intercessors. Battlegear isn't quite right but whatever, I don't play in tournaments.
-Started as Infiltrators(i think)
-Chainswords modeled and printed by me
-Packs, heads, shoulders also printed
A secretive Captain with many augmetic limbs.
Struggled with the OSL but I think this is my best attempt at it yet. Normally run him with some assault intercessors.
-Phobos LT
-Printed head, shoulders, arms, left leg,
-Wearing a Librarian pack
Knights Seraphicus
Were Assault Marines with Jump Packs, now they're Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs. Battlegear is all fucked up of course but I'm not redoing them. Came out nice, It's really fun doing battle damage on light colors. Modeled the Chainswords myself. Everything else is printed from somewhere.
-Assault intercessors
-Everything else printed
The Black Skulls
The Charnel Guard warriors that have succumbed to the Black Rage are known, with reverence and fear, as The Black Skulls. This is a reference to the emblem used on their armor, as well as a tradition of painting the skull of a respected Brother black, to signify that he died after losing his soul to the Black Rage. Other chapters of the Blood of the Great Angel refer to these brothers as Death Company.
Black Skull warriors are kept in stasis until a battle approaches which requires their services. Due to their irrational and unpredictable behavior, they are chained in place in a "landing chamber", which is essentially a shipping container that can be delivered to a battlefield either by carrier ship or ground vehicle. The chamber is opened, and chains released remotely or by servitor to unleash them.
After an engagement, they often are unable to be subdued and brought back to the ship to have their sus-an membrane activated. In these instances, the Mercy of the Black Skulls, Severian, is summoned to send them to the Great Angel's side.
Mercy of the Black Skulls
Named after a famous executioner. This is my Astorath. I want to convey a willingness to die in my Death Company units for this chapter. Hence foregoing the chest armor. I posted this on instagram and i received a comment "nice world eaters". Which I take as a compliment. I want my Charnel Guard to really toe the line between Imperium and Chaos as far as aesthetics.
-100% printed
-Digital kitbashed from several sources
Black Skull Captain Ariath
Commonly referred to as "Grandfather" by his chapter, due to his excedingly long tenure as both a line officer, and a leader of the lost. He has been lost to the Black Rage longer than any known Charnel Guard, however his madness has not worsened or improved for over a century. Some say this is because "He was mad long before the Black Rage took him."
-Lemartes body
-Printed face, pauldrons, sword, pack
-Greenstuff hair/beard
Witnesssing Madness
On the training deck of the Invictrix, Lieutenant Sephios of the Second Company of the Charnel Guard stood with his Captain, the storied champion Mordath, reviewing a list of pict recordings of a recent engagement on a wall-mounted console. Warriors of the Charnel Guard were expected to learn from both the actions of their Battle Brothers, and much of their time between awakenings was spent reviewing recordings of their fellow Astartes.
Soliciting an uneasy glance from Sephios, Mordath selected a marker with the icon of the Black Skulls: a pale “X” with the shape of a fanged skull in black at its center. Sephios wondered silently why his Captain had immediately gravitated to the selection of their cursed comrades, as he could imagine very little could be learned from reviewing what would surely be a disturbing display of uncontrolled, clumsy slaughter. Perhaps it was simple curiosity, perhaps a morbid fascination with the ferocity of the Black Skulls, even though the veteran Captain and Sephios himself had witnessed their fury in person on several battlefields.
The capture came from a pict recorder on the interior of a Black Skulls landing chamber—more of a shipping container than a troop transport—just after landing. The screen was black, and the sounds emitting from the console were like that of a den of animals—howling, panting, snarling, even weeping. The ping of small arms fire could be heard intermittently, as the enemy outside likely attempted to shoot down the carrier. After the sound of the carrier vessel taking off, the sides of the chamber fell away with a metallic crunch, allowing the light of the battlefield to flood in and reveal the source of the bestial noises. Along each side of the chamber were five warriors, some kneeling, some crouched like predators, with their arms affixed by short chains coming from locks on the floor below them. As the light hit them, it was apparent that they had all been pulling relentlessly at their chains, pleading with the metal to release them to their bloody vengeance. Their heads were all adorned with helms that resembled something like a cage, rather than a protective piece of armor. Many were missing components of their battle plate: pauldrons, vambraces, even boots had been damaged and wrenched off as they struggled against their chains and bashed into each other in their futile struggles. All were armed with weapons that would befit a hive-ganger more than an Astartes: rusty blades, bludgeoning weapons, antique bolt weapons that looked in a state of disrepair or even obviously inoperable. Some had their weapons permanently attached to their gauntlets, apparently to prevent their habit of dropping them in favor of using their hands to tear enemies apart.
In the center of the chamber, the recording showed another figure adorned in the battle plate and livery of the Black Skulls, though his armor appeared to be in a better state of repair than those that surrounded him. He was the only one standing, though still affixed to the floor with long chains coming from his wrists; only this warrior was not pulling and wrenching at the chains as his lost brothers did. To the left of the warrior, with the point buried in the steel deck, there stood a sword of massive proportions, with a blade easily a head taller than the warrior it was intended for. Suddenly, from a speaker in the roof of the chamber, there came a series of three chimes, during which the warrior finally began to pull against his chains. A mechanical clunk accompanied the release of his chains from the deck, and he immediately turned to grasp the hilt of the giant blade and wrench it from where it was jammed into the floor. As he did so, he looked to the rear of the chamber, and for a split second, appeared to stare directly into the pict recorder’s lens. It could be seen now that he was not adorned with a helm of any kind, and his long, ragged, white hair and beard fluttered in the breeze of this new battlefield. His eyes were terrible to behold, devoid of life, resembling the eyes of a mindless predator from some forsaken jungle world.
“How many studs do you see?” Mordath muttered.
“Six, my Captain,” Sephios replied, as the figure turned and walked forward, past the straining animals on either side, and into the light of the cursed planet he would bestow his wrath upon. As he took his first step onto the dirt, the chamber began to chime again. Before the third chime, he was at a dead sprint, charging headlong into a crowded formation of what appeared to be cultists of the Ruinous Powers. Another loud clunk emitted from the chamber, as all ten of the seething killers’ chains were finally released. Immediately the murderous pack clambered out, following the lead of the ancient warrior ahead of them, snarling and bellowing incoherent curses as they charged. What followed was a slaughter that resembled the furious attacks of World Eaters berserker charges: relentless, merciless, without concern for cover or defense of any kind. The squad moved through the enemy formation like fire through a hab-block, with the ferocious warrior reaping the foe at their head.
“Brother Captain Ariath… Grandfather, as they call him now, not that he answers to any name or title… over 600 years in the service of the Emperor, and he’s reduced to this… beast,” Sephios murmured, shaking his head.
“The curse is indeed a cruel fate, little brother. However, I would be hesitant to say he is reduced. Look upon the path he carves, and more importantly, the way the Black Skulls follow him. It’s as if their rage is focused by his own." After thoughtful pause, the Captain continued. "He has been leading our fallen brothers long enough to have earned at least another stud on his brow, and yet the curse hasn’t worsened. This is indeed a rarity among those who share the blood of the Angel.” Mordath continued to stare at the pict caster, watching the mayhem created by the squad of Black Skulls as they plowed through the heretics. Were they too afraid to run? Or fanatical enough not to see their own deaths screaming towards them?
After a long pause, Sephios finally commented, “Yes, Captain, his longevity is indeed rare. The way it was explained to me, he only endures because he had lost his mind long before the Black Rage overcame him.”
Mordath gave the slightest hint of a smile. “He was… unique, yes. But there was no other warrior I would want by my side during a charge into a hardened enemy position.” Mordath’s face resumed its forever grim, stoic expression.
“I… My apologies Lord, I did not know you knew him personally.” Sephios stuttered, with an amount of panic in his voice. Mordath simply nodded. Seeking a way to change the subject, Sephios asked, “Forgive me, Captain, but what might we learn from studying the battle actions of the lost? Surely there are no strategic lessons in this display.”
“Correct, brother. There is nothing of tactical value in the methods of these killers; this is just a reminder of the fate that awaits us all, should we live long enough to be afflicted,” Mordath intoned, as Sephios lowered his gaze thoughtfully. "But do not despair, young Sephios," Mordath continued, "because even though their souls have abandoned their mortal flesh, to rest alongside the Great Angel, their bodies are still valuable weapons in the service of the Emperor. If that is to be our fate, we must not be apprehensive about it."
With a solemn nod, Sephios acknowledged the weight of his Captain's words, understanding that every brother's path, no matter how dark, would always serve the Emperor's will.
He needs ingredients for his bread.
-Deredeo Plastic Kit
-Printed or greenstuff everything else
Old Bones
Black Skull Legend
Death Company Dreadnought. Went back to this to add my Death Co. logo, and it did not turn out so good. Difficult to match colors I used months ago...
-Leviathan Dread
-Various printed bits and chain
Allies and Armor
Here's some ChatGPT edited backstory:
Amidst the festering quagmire of a Nurgle-infested planet, a forgotten relic lay dormant—a Knight Paladin, its noble frame sunken into the swamp's murky depths. Its once-proud form, rendered useless and abandoned, completely submerged in the muck.
During a relentless campaign against the vile Death Guard and their otherworldly minions, a small assault force led by Techmarine John Moses stumbled upon the distressing discovery. A mysterious message, a divine whisper from the Omnissiah, reverberated through his augmetic senses—a cosmic directive, a sacred warrant to salvage the ancient war machine.
Undeterred by the noxious mire and the lurking horrors that slithered within, John Moses undertook the arduous task of reclaiming the forsaken Knight Paladin. His mechanical appendages tirelessly toiled, grappling with the tangled roots and fetid sludge that clung to the relic's form like the clinging embrace of Nurgle's minions.
Yet, as the Techmarine's labor unfolded, the Death Guard, resilient and loathsome, descended upon the salvage operation with an apparent intent to take the ancient prize for themselves. Undeterred, Moses, fueled by the sacred fire of his convictions, rallied his Charnel Guard brethren.
Amidst the twisted roots and poisonous vapors, a resolute defense unfolded. John Moses, with adamantium determination, declared it his sacred duty to shield the ancient knight, ensuring it would rise again to smite the enemies of the Omnissiah. Bolter fire and the whirr of chainswords echoed through the accursed swamp as the Charnel Guard, under Moses's unwavering leadership, repelled the encroaching filth.
With minimal losses, the defenders triumphed, casting the Death Guard horde back into the pestilent abyss. The once-forgotten relic, now freed from the clutches of decay, was finally taken from the planet's surface via bulk lifter, and delivered to the Invictrix, where it could be re-fitted for service.
Now, piloted by one of Moses's trusted tech-acolytes, the resurrected Knight Paladin strides alongside the Charnel Guard forces, a testament to the indomitable will of the Omnissiah's faithful and a harbinger of impending retribution for the enemies of the Imperium.
-GW Knight Paladin kit
-Custom bits by Taromodelmaker
-Lots of printed skulls and bones
-Lots of chains and superglue